haraam food

Working in a haraam food outlet

Q: A Muslim works in pizza hut in india. So if some body ordered chicken pizza, the Muslim worker who works in it, he takes out the chicken frozen, slices or cuts or puts it in shape and then puts on pizza and serves it. But that chicken which comes is not halal. So serving pizza or making pizza which does not consist of halal chicken allowed? Is this permissible for him to do this job.

Female taking care of males and serving them haraam food in a nursing home

Q: Are we allowed to work in a nursing home and serve residents haraam dinner, maybe take a tray of pork meat to the residents for dinner. Can we spoon feed them pork dinners. Can we also change males or help them with nursing. Can you kindly confirm as to whether we are allowed to bath and dress male residents and serve haraam meals to them. Will our wealth be haraam?

Eating at haraam outlets

Q: I study in China and I have a lot of difficulties in eating food and deciding between Halal and Haraam. I want to ask you to please clarify me somethings.

1. Can we eat chicken or beef at International Brands like KFC, McDonalds etc.? 

2. Are the flavored crisps like Lays BBQ flavor halal or haraam? Please help me in this regard.

Leaving out things that one is unclear of

Q: Some one sends through WhatsApp messages saying chicken (in a Muslim country ) is not halal by forwarding some videos where we can actually see chicken getting processed by a machine. The authorities in the Muslim country are acknowledging that they are seeing it to that the things for the public are halal and not importing the haram chikcen and meat etc. One of my friends stopped eating chicken after seeing the WhatsApp.

My question is whom to believe? Do we have to believe the WhatsApp video or the authorities who are taking responsibility of halal produsts. If we believe WhatsApp then tomorrow other videos will declare meat as haram, please advise.

Arranging the shipment of haraam food

Q: I work in a forwarding and clearing company in the export department. We have a client that exports variety of food stuff to Dubai often it is haraam foods. I will soon have to handle this account. Would it be permissible for me to arrange the shipments (transport / custom clearance) of these haraam foods. If not please make dua Allah Ta'ala protects me from this.