
Gaining knowledge of the development of the fetus through a scan

Q: As we recite the Holy Quraan and we see in Surat e Luqman that some kind of knowledge is with Allah and no one knows about that. For example when will it rain and what is inside of the women, either male or female and when and where will the person die. So nowadays we see the technology that every one knows that what is inside a female's abdomen. So is there controversial that the new tafseer will change from the old one and what answer will we give to non muslims when we explain these ayaats.

Zina of the eyes and masturbation

Q: What should I do if I am unable to stop myself from committing fornication? Even in the month of Ramadhaan I committed adultery of the eyes and organs although I was observing fast? Whenever sexual desire increases, I could not stop committing zina. I m working 6 and half hours to earn money. Only way to stop myself from this sin is to stay in mosque. But it is almost impossible to remain inside mosque all the time. What should I do? Leave the job and join madarsah so that I get engaged in a good environment? Please advise me.

Observing strict purda with non-mahrams

Q: Recently I had a dream which was very strange. I need an interpretation urgently. I had the dream after fajr when I went to sleep. The dream is as follows: My cousin and I went to a girl's house, I knew her from school as she was in the same grade as me, I was also inclined to her. When we got there, the entrance hall of the house was huge, like that of a masjid. It was also beautifully decorated, with a chandelier and glossy white cupboards in the front. I looked around in amazement. My cousin and I continued to proceed further and we came to another hall, which was a bit smaller than the previous Hall. This hall did not attract me as much as the previous one. The carpet colour in both the halls were a creamy beige colour. I proceeded through the second Hall until I reached the passage, where there were many rooms. The rooms had three stairs going up towards the bed and the stairs started from the door. i.e if you open the door you'll have to climb up as the bed was built on a higher foundation. We looked in every room until we reached the girl's room. I did not see her sleeping on the bed at first and I told my cousin that she was not there, then he said to me that she's on the bed and then I saw her. I didn't want to disturb her, so I quickly closed the door and continued to her parents room, the house was completely empty at the time. Just me my cousin and the girl. When we reached the room, I lied down on the bed and in front of me was a bathtub with the wall behind it tiled, with a 1 tile mosaic (wave shape) separating the wall. At that moment I was thinking of her father and brothers living in their house. Then I exited the room and I walked back to the entrance hall. This time there were many Muslim people and it seemed like they were having some kind of program like a ta'leem or something, but one person was reading from a book and the crowd were listening. I didn't want to speak to the girl now as there were many people there. So I waited until they went away and then all of sudden myself and my cousin and the girl were sitting in a circle together and talking. (Then I woke up partially and I realised that I hadn't asked her for her number, so I forced myself to go to sleep halfway) then I saw something like a screen with a picture on our which said that I should think of something which I saw previously on a certain wall and when I thought of it, then I was taken to the girl with my cousin, and we asked her for her number and she gave it, and my cousin phoned or and her phone rang. After this I woke up and ever since this dream had been troubling me. Please can you interpret it.