
Marrying someone who watches TV

Q: If an Aalimah who wears full niqab and does not intermingle with men or watch tv movies etc. gets a proposal from a doctor whos a hafiz, which means he probably does khalwat with women and he watches football, would you even tell the Aalimah to consider him? He is praised for his akhlaaq. He also visits a female dentist.

Should the Aalimah even consider him. She has hope of doing amr bil maroof but fears marriage problems thereafter. Her grandfather (Allah enlighten his qabr) was a Shaikhul Hadeeth.

Women working

Q: I am an engineer. My salary is an amount that I can just afford to take care of my family. I will not really be saving anything. However, my wife is a dentist, she did not start her practice yet. She just passed her exam a month ago. I permit her to see female patients by opening a surgery. But she wants to be a BCS cadre. This is the highest prestigious govt. job in our country for practicing in a govt. hospital. That means, she is not only interested in the money but also social dignity. If she becomes a dentist in a govt. hospital, she will have to face males nurses and male patients also. If she can avoid male patients, she will still need to talk to other male doctors as well as her colleagues. She will also need to talk about some unnecessary aspects e.g. can she say to her colleague, hello Mr. X, how are you and your family? This is not directly related to her profession but she has to do this. Please note that she wears the purdah but she is very keen to do that job. I am not interested in her doing the job due to the reason I mentioned above, but she forces me again and again. If it is permissible then I will permit her and save my mental peace.