Impurities on clothing and furniture

Doubting if impurity fell onto the toilet seat

Q: I have a question regarding washing a place that is najis. I usually can see when this particular thing falls on the toilet seat but I know some water did flick off my hand when urine was on it. I washed the inner half of the seat, but was doubtful if it had gone onto the outer edge of the seat. I can usually see it if it falls on all parts of the seat, but because the seat didn't have anything on it I am still doubtful that it may have flicked onto the edge of the seat. My thigh also touched those places thats why I'm worried if it transferred onto me. I also saw something flick off my hand, but cleaned the floor because it felt like it hit the ground and not the seat. All of this is putting a lot of doubt in my mind? What should I do?

Discharge of females

Q: If I see white discharge the amount of 1 dirham after performing salah, should I repeat my salaah?

What should be considered as najasat, only the white discharge or both white discharge and the wet part around it?

Cleaning urine


1. I was in my mother's house and my son urinated on my mom. My mum dried the urine with a tissue and mopped the area once. Then she washed my son just by wiping him with wet hands. I feel that he has not been cleansed properly. I brought him to my house immediately because wherever he touches with wet hands will become naajis since I still didn't wash him properly. The areas that he touched with his hands became naajis, so do I have to wipe that area that he touched also?

2. There are soiled urine clothes. Previously I used to wash them in a bucket 3 times but I don't squeeze the water out. Must I wash the clothes and clothes dryer rack again or will just wiping the clothes dryer rack suffice? 

Finding a stain and odor on clothing after washing

Q: My non-baaligh brother often has accidents. This time, when he pooped in bed, I threw the bedsheets in the washing machine along with his underwear which was first washed by hand, and set the rinse 2 times for a total of 4 hours. During the second rinse I even threw in some of my clothes. As I was taking everything out of the dryer, the stains from the sheets were completely gone, and all the clothes smelled good, but then his underwear had a very light brownish colour and some odor. Does that mean the underwear is impure and everything else that was washed with the underwear is also impure? I put everything in the dryer before I noticed any of this so does that mean the dryer has to be purified now? What must I do?