
Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan due to exams

Q: I am a student in Saudi Arabia studying in a private school in Dammam. Our school recently changed their examination dates. The problem is that Ramadhaan is during these days.

My question is that is it permissible for a student to skip 2 or 3 days of fasting for exams? I might not be able to concentrate on an empty stomach during the exam and while studying for it.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: I did istikhaara for marriage and in my dream I found that he (the person I am getting married to) and myself are writing an exam and in the dream I was searching for him in the exam hall and finally found him and I guess it was raining too.

Difficulty in exams

Q: Please help me out with verses for success in exam for a child having difficulty to interpret and comprehend exam questions. He has a problem putting it to paper. I got all the other duas for exams. Is there any verse he can keep with him in his bag when writing?