
Taking a second wife

Q: I have two questions to ask A) If a muslim husband if found to have had illegal sex with a christian woman as he fell in love with her, can his wife permit and support the woman to change her religion to islam and marry him? B)A wife wants to do sterility surgery in order to stop delivery as she has 3 little kids. But her husband did not permit her to do so. After that the husband chooses a second wife and abstains from sex with the first wife so that they wont have kids anymore. Whats the ruling regarding such a case in Islam?

Premarital relationship

Q: I have met a Christian friend over Facebook 3 years ago and we are now close friends, even best friends. I have tried to convince him to become a Muslim but no results. I am a girl and Muslim and my friend is a boy and Christian. Isn't this haram?

Wearing the niqaab

Q: Some person was telling me that in a certain country if a woman does not do niqab then she will end up marrying a christian because the muslim men will not marry her. And women have ended up marrying christians. He was saying that marriage to christian will definitely happen if she wears niqab. So because there is less harm in not wearing niqab it would be ok not to wear it 1. Is it permissible in such a situation for a woman to leave the niqab? 2. If not can you explain the error which has been made in analogy?

Lady who was ready to accept Islam passing away

Q: I had gotten married to a Christian woman in order to avoid zina, with her having an interest in Islam at that stage. After a few months, she was prepared to become Muslim, but due to bad habits of mine, she didn't want to take the shahada as she wanted me to be of sober habit and mind in order to guide her through the transition. In the past month and a half she constantly reprimanded me with regards to my habit, saying she is ready for the shahada, and eventually she told me she will take the shahada regardless of my amendment of my ways. She even went to madrasah and began reading Islamic kitaabs. Two weeks ago she passed away in a car accident. Due to us living in separate towns, I do not know if she took the shahada or not. Is it permissible for me to send esaale thawaab for the deceased? In the case that she never took shahada, I am in great fear of Allah's punishment. It was my weakness that caused delay in the issue. What would Mufti Saheb advise so that Allah may forgive me and not take me to task through the deceased taking me to task?