Impurities on the body

Doubts regarding tahaarat

Q: Sometimes I have weird urination dreams. I dreamt of urinating and then I woke up as I thought it was real as I felt a weird sensation. I checked my pants they were dry I was wearing a pad but I didn't feel any wetness or heaviness I went back to sleep as my pants felt dry. Now when I got up my underwear was probably had moisture from wearing it. I did not feel any smell of urine neither did the pad felt wet from it. I'm doubting that what if it had come out and I didn't check. I'm getting paranoid as I don't know whether it happened or not. What should I do I had regarded it as a doubt and have sat everywhere and now I'm feeling doubtful.

Impurity on one's hands

Q: If my hands are napaak with urine no matter whether they are wet or dry and I touch something, if there are no signs of impurity on what I touched, no colour or stain and if there is smell then that will eventually go, do I have to wash what I touched?

Doubts regarding the coming out of urine drops

Q: Sometimes after passing urine in the toilet I clean myself. I wipe myself with toilet paper but I didn't make sure whether I was completely dry. Now I keep feeling that urine drops have come out but usually when I check it doesn't happen and it's my doubt. While changing clothes I saw some wetness. Now I'm not sure that what that wetness is. It could be me not wiping dry enough as I didn't wipe very dry and could be water. I'm constantly doubting and checking all the time.

Washing off impurities

Q: While changing clothes if female normal discharge touches any part of the body like I just feel the wetness, can I clean that area with wet tissue paper and then with a dry one. I had wiped with a wet tissue so will my body be clean or am I impure and have spread impurity everywhere?

If someone drinks alcohol at night and then drinks water. The next day he doesn't gargle or brush and has tea water etc and then eats with his hands. If the hand touches the saliva will the hand be impure and if he touches anything with it will that be impure too or the water had cleaned the saliva of impurity. I'm being doubtful as someone visited home and did that.


Q: Being the doubtful person I am I have gone to extremes. I keep washing or cleaning everything. I was washing my hands and the sink had slow drainage so water was collecting in the sink and slowly getting drained. The water collected I felt that a few drops splashed on my arm. Now I am not sure if it actually happened as I didn't see any water drops but may be there were as I felt them. I wasn't able to clean my shoulder and my hair touched that area. Did my hair become napaak or did I become napaak? As the water was collected in the sink and slowly draining and people wash their dirty hands and impurities in the sink but this water was collected while I was washing hands. Can a few drops make me and everything napak. If a person drinks alcohol and then drinks water and doesn't brush or wash mouth and keeps eating 2 3 meals etc does their hand and the plate they are using become impure? I have become so finicky that when I see something wet on floor I presume it to be something impure. Like urine or vomit or impure water. I went to a restaurant and I saw wetness there I don't know whether that was water or alcohol etc and I feel like it touched my feet etc though it didn't and these thoughts keeps haunting me that what if I don't wash. I will make whole house and everything impure. Please help me.

Touching the walls with napaak hands

Q: I had a little accident. I wet the bed at night so my clothes were soiled with urine and when I went to the bathroom to clean my self up, on the way, as the corridors in the house are narrow the clothes and my hand touched the walls and doors, what shall I do about that? will it be ok for me to spray the walls and door handles which I would have touched with cleaning spray, which is clear and smells different?

Doubts regarding make up used after consuming alcohol

Q: I used to consume alcohol some time back. Now I have repented and asked for forgiveness as I was misled. I want to know that I was not very cautious about purity and I used make up and make up sponges etc. I have even used lipsticks after consuming alcohol. Now I am in doubts. I have thrown away the lipsticks I was sure about but I have to think very hard that whether I used the makeup sponge over the lipstick or did I use the powder over it and I keep doubting that whether I used a powder or sponge over impure lipstick. Where did it touch where did I keep it and keep cleaning those places. I cannot remember everything clearly. Should I just stop thinking and just use the makeup I have and not over think or worry about being impure or should I think over it. This thinking has really affected my life and I am feeling if I use my prayers won't be accepted and I will be impure. I'm feeling devastated as if there are no answers and I just eventually have to throw away everything.