Impurities on the body

Discharging semen after urinating

Q: I woke up and there was this whitish liquid that was inside. It hadn't come out but after I urinated got up and everything it hurt and I am quiet constipated but I didn't go to pass stool then or anytime before so should I consider it as wadi? The only time I went for stool was yesterday evening and later yesterday I went to the toilet put pressure but nothing come out.

Wiping urine from the skin

Q: Please can you advise me with regards to whether when urine falls on my skin and I wipe my skin and ensure it is dry. If I subsequently perspire does my clothes as well as all the places I sit on (bed, chair etc) become napaak and do I have to clean these surfaces by wiping them thrice?

Performing Salaah after touching a person who uses perfumes which may contain alcohol

Q: Just before salaah was started by the imaam, i gave a hand to someone. When I smelled my hand I smelt some perfume odour. The person's hand was dry, in this case if the perfume he used did contain alcohol or any other impure ingredients did they transfer to my hand? Is my Salaah valid?

Standing in Salaah next to a person who uses pig skin leather shoes

Q: In Europe leather men shoes have leather sole. Mostly this leather is from pork-leather since the sole has to be soft, and being soft is one of characteristic of pork-leather. Now it is that most Muslim buy such shoes and wear them. My question is since these shoes are commonly worn and we do not know exactly who wears them only that is very common, how should our behavior be in the rows of Salaah since people do stand feet to feet. Their socks do they become impure by wearing the shoes as inside the shoe there will some humidity after all, and people do touch each other with their feet i.e with the socks. Since this is a matter of Umoom al Balwaa what is the view of the Ulamaa on this issiue?