home industry

Woman working in a bank

Q: I am a single mother of a 5 years old child. I've been looking for jobs for my livelihood. However, I have been receiving interview calls from either banks or insurance companies mostly. I have no financial support from my ex husband or anyone else to take care of my daughter's expenses. I live in India so Islamic Banking is not prevalent. In this case, please advice if it is ok to work in a bank or an insurance company?

Woman working from home due to constraints

Q: My husband works in his father’s business. His father deals in interest and sells haraam. My husband knows it is haraam but is not interested in getting another job.

Also, my husband has almost hit me. I really want to be financially independent from him. I don’t know where we will be financially in a few years’ time. I do have enough savings to study something and go out and work. Should I do this?

I have considered starting a home business, but I don’t know what kind of home business will succeed and generate income. I don’t know what to sell or where to start from.

Woman searching for a job

Q: I am a single parent of two career children living in a rented house and jobless for the last 21 months. I am surrounded with problems and now dependent upon my parents and under debts. Wherever I apply for a job, they like me but then no response for months and when I follow up they either reject me or say that the position is on hold. I am worried and depressed, my son and I pray a lot and recite Quran all the time and try hard to do good deeds but no change in our circumstances and no hope of getting a job. My previous employer has deducted my held salary for one year because I am in law suit with them too. A huge amount is due upon them as they breached the contract. Please pray and let me know what to do. I pray tahajjud as well and never missed any prayer. Thinking to start fasting from tomorrow. I took your advice on my nikaah as well and you approved it to be valid because I was doubting my nikaah as the families were not involved. Just did proposal and acceptance in front of two male Muslims. Please help me and let me know how my situation can be improved. I am living with my son. My second husband visits me and my children know about him. So its not completely secret.

Women working from home

Q: I am a single daughter of my parents and they have become very poor and weak. They are not able to earn anymore. I am a graduated girl and I want to work in order to provide for them. In 6 months I would be getting married. My in laws are not allowing me to work. The kind of jobs I get is mixing with opposite sex. The company told me that they'll provide me cab facilities and I would be going alone with the driver and a guard either male or female. My father is suffering from severe illness. Is it haraam for me to work? Or should I ask my relatives for help?

Home Industry

Q: I have a mother who depends on me to support her. I have no father or brother to help me and care for us. I wear hijaab, but it makes it very difficult for me to get a job. Can I remove my hijaab to get a job?