Impurities on the ground

Making wudhu in a place where impurity was washed

Q: I had an infection on my toe which I washed off (whatever was coming out of the infection) in the tub. A little later, while the tub was still wet, I was making wudu in the tub and some water splashed back to me when I washed my face. Was this water impure? Also, when I am filling up a jug to use to make istinja, I sometimes place my finger in the water to check how warm it is. Does this affect the ability of the water to purify?

Finding impurity on the shower floor

Q: Yesterday I found a piece of toilet paper with stool on the shower floor, my concern is that my family had showered in there and while I am not certain if they specifically stepped on the toilet paper, since the entire floor within the shower is wet, I would like to know if this makes the whole shower floor napaak thereby making their feet (as they are barefoot in the shower) and all the surfaces their feet touched napaak as well.

Walking with impure shoes on a carpet

Q: I stepped on some stool of an animal but was unaware until later in the day. The place I work is in a room that is carpeted. The day I was working, it was also raining making the soul of the shoe wet making me believe that the najasat has spread on the carpeted floor at my place of work. Now, as I work there on a regular basis I wanted to know:

1. If I would have to clean the carpet in the room?

2. How would I clean the carpet in the whole room as the carpet is stuck to the floor.

3. Would it suffice using a mop or wipes to just wipe over the carpet?

4. If I walked on the carpet again with wet shoes would the napaaki transfer from the carpet to my shoe to other areas e.g. car, home etc...

Fertilizer getting stuck under one's shoes


1. I live in a complex and the gardeners have over the weekend put fertilizer on the grass. I am not sure what fertiliser it is but I do know that some fertilisers contain animal faeces. With everyone walking all over the complex the fertiliser is now on the floor on many of the passages and common areas. I have tried my best not to walk on it but am not certain if I have been successful. Please can you let me know the following:

a. If I have stepped on it does it make my shoes and everywhere I subsequently walked (e.g. in my home and car) napaak?
b. Can my kids still paly and walk on the grass, given that the fertiliser has been put on or will it make their shoes and clothes napaak?

2. I sometimes leak urine, therefore I wear a sanitary pad so not to make my clothes napaak, when I sit somewhere for a long period of time or sleep, I perspire. I am therefore concerned that given that urine is on the sanitary pad when I perspire between my legs this is making my bedding or the chair that I am sitting on napaak. Please can you let me know if this in fact the case and whether I have to clean these items every time this happens?

Cleaning urine water on the floor

Q: My question is that there was some urine on western toilet seat which I was washing off by pouring water on it however, some water went on the tiled floor. So I poured 3x amount of water on the floor all at once and wiped/soaked it with a sponge and then poured water on it again and soaked/wiped it with a sponge (did it for second time for the benifit of the doubt). At this point it was already clean but then I decided to mop the tiled floor with a mop. Please can you tell me if the floor is now pure or not? Should I do anything else?

Waswasas and doubts

Q: I am suffering from ocd from 11 years. Recently I was on night shift and I slept had a wet dream in morning. I changed my night dress. I couldn't have ghusl so came home like that now I feel that the places I walked in my home are impure. Immediately after reaching home I had ghusal. Now I think as I didn't have ghusl I wore my shoes and socks and dress like that. I think they are impure.