Impurities on the ground

Impurity on the floor

Q: When I was in my home many years ago semen got onto the floor (not tiles but smooth floor). I knew nothing about najaasat and all so I just wiped it off with dirty cloth and there was no trace of najasat over there then and later the floor was cleaned with wet cloth and the same cloth is used for cleaning the whole house. Does this make the whole house impure? And if so then the water on the floor which gets absorbed or dried make the floor pure again? If not what should I do now?

Doubts regarding drops on the floor

Q: I saw some whitish type of spots on the side of the bed like the wood and a spot on the floor though there are other spots as well like of water or sometimes we drop food as we eat in the room. After intimacy we use the washroom to clean and I feel what if while going a few drops of sperm fell and I didn't check at that time. Will the floor be impure? What if we had stepped on it. I have wiped the bed and the spot on the floor with wet tissues.

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After menses I got discharge and there was blood in it. I went to the washroom and saw it was dry and stuck to my pants I didn't have time to clean
so I left it and decided to clean later on. When I went back the discharge was scraped off and a little was left. It probably got scraped by rubbing from my body and fell off through my pants. I don't know where it fell in the house. If I sweep and wipe the floors will the floors be impure. What do I do?

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: There was dry blood on my underwear. My hands were wet and I accidently touched it while changing pads. I did not see any visible traces of it on my hand. A drop of water from my wet hands fell on floor but I could not see traces of blood. I accidently stepped on the drop and walked around. Did the house floor get impure?

Toilet leakage problem

Q: There was leakage in the washroom ceiling and then it stopped by itself. There is a washroom on the top floor. The water from the leakage has dried now. If somebody uses the washroom and wet feet touch floor and they walk around the house will the house be impure. The floor was not washed after the leakage water dried. Is whole house impure and I can't pray there?

Cleaning the floor of impurities

Q: You have always helped me in my doubtful issues. I am a very doubtful person and often doubt purity. Please let me know if sperm drops on the floor and I can't figure out exactly where they fell and whatever I could see I cleaned them with a dry and wet tissue. Now I am doubting that what if I missed more spots or what if while finding the spots I stepped on one and now I feel the whole house will be impure wherever I will wear the slipper. Also if I have missed a spot and if I mop the floor will whole house be impure to pray.

Washing impurities from the floor

Q: There was blood on the bathroom floor that I wiped up using tissue quite a while ago.  You can hardly see it now in fact not even at all, therefore I do not know the exact locations of where the impurities. When the floor is wet now and I stand on it shall I assume that the impurities have transferred?

Doubts about the purity of the glue used on wooden flooring

Q: I have a wooden flooring and I found out after it has been placed that those who placed it used a wood glue which could contain najais substances. Actually, I read the notice on the box but not the full list of components was given, instead it wrote '...and other selected chemicals.' I am not sure if it contains alcohol or something. Can I pray Salah on it?