
Wazifa for eyes

Q: I have a new born baby boy who will be 4 months insha Allah after 2 days. He can look but not focusing and Allah forbid, doctors are saying that he might have albinism. Please suggest something so his eyes can focus.

Looking at a diagram of the eye

Q: I have a few questions about the eye and pictures. 

If one is studying how the eye functions and its diseases, is it permissible for one to view the eye? If a diagram of the inner eye is drawn, should one erase it, or is it not necessary considering its not the outer eye part?

Can a woman become an ophthalmologist to treat only females to avoid other females going to male ophthalmologists?


Q: Is a cartoon picture of a giraffe with the eyes closed considered as tasweer, do the warnings in the hadith apply to it?