
Sufficing on the faraaidh of ghusl

Q: If a person fulfils all the fardh of ghusl that is gargling the mouth three times, making water reach the soft bone of nose three times and washing the body thoroughly such that no part remains dry, is the ghusl valid or the sunnats of ghusl have to be performed too? Does skipping the sunnats render ghusl invalid. Also one of my cousins told me that ghusl means wetting the entire body. If this is so then why does ghusl have faraaidh?

Making the intention of nafl hajj

Q: Last year I had gone for hajj with my family (mother and wife). Before leaving for hajj (during it's preparation) I had made my wife owner of the amount which was to be spent on her for hajj (Rs.2.5 lakh). During the journey I instructed her to make niyat for Fardh Hajj as she was made owner of money. But by mistake she made niyat for Nafl Hajj and completed the Hajj journey. I would like to ask whether the Hajj she did would be counted as Fardh or Nafl. If Nafl, does she have to do Fardh Hajj now again. At present neither me nor she has any money. She has only her jewellery. If ruling is for Fardh Hajj and either me or she dies before doing it, then what happens. I would like to make it clear it was 1st Hajj for myself and wife.