Washing one's head after a hair falls out
Q: While adjusting my scarf, I pulled a hair. It felt like it broke or got uprooted. Do I need to wash my head and scarf?
Q: While adjusting my scarf, I pulled a hair. It felt like it broke or got uprooted. Do I need to wash my head and scarf?
Q: Does a woman have to make ghusl if she has a clitoral orgasm only (no vaginal penetration involved)?
Q: If I wake up in the morning and I didn't notice any wetness on my underwear but when I see it in the light then I see a littile white colour spot almost 2 cm which is dried up but I dont know if this is madhi or mani or any other stain. Is ghusl farz on me
Q: For a long time now I have found it difficult to distinguish between the features of mazi and mani. I noticed that my everyday discharge has a smell to it, like the smell of mani. So when I do get mazi I feel it could be mani, but I'm always unsure. This is because it looks thin and white on my clothes, but after wiping, its majority white but looks a little yellow toward the end. The discharge is mostly thin and white, but the last part looks a little yellow.
1. Is ghusl fardh upon me every time I see the discharge look like this?
2. Every time I see, what looks like mazi to me, always has the same smell as mani, but so does my everyday discharge. I'm kind of confused?
Q: If the husband touches his wife's back private part with his penis, it was not felt inside and there was no discharge released, is ghusal required?
1. A person felt shahwat, but after some time the shahwat went away. After about an hour, when there was no shahwat, he found some mazi coming out of his private area. Will ghusl be waajib upon him?
2. A person had shahwat, and during his shahwat mazi came out of his private area. Will ghusl be waajib on him?
Q: My question is regarding madhiy and maniy. I read on a trusted website, that, if a person feels discharge come out and they forget to check it before doing istinja but can tell from washing that no discharge has come out then ghusl is not required. This is only because I get bad thoughts that come to my mind and I always check to see if maniy has come out, but I see nothing.
Q: Yesterday I performed ghusal for janabat in the afternoon and urinated two times. One time before ghusal (after discharge) and one time during ghusal and did not see any manni. But after that, the next time I urinated was this morning and some drops of colourless sticky liquid came out after the urine. I also have pain in my kidneys from yesterday. Do I have to perform ghusal again or not?
Q: I wanted to know what exactly is mani and mazi. I know one is thick and one is thin but what about the excitement thing? Mani means you have to have a ghusal and mazi is just whudhu, but I'm not sure what they actually look like. Is mazi like water (just liquid) or is it a little bit thick and strechy?
Q: If you have a internal scan done, do you have to take ghusl?