Seller keeping advanced payment after canceling a sale

Q: I have done an agreement for sale of property with a person and got X amount as advance payment. Remaining have to paid within 3 months. There was a clause in the agreement that if the buyer is unable to pay the remaining amount or backs off from the deal, I will keep the advance payment as a penalty. (There was another clause for the seller also if he backs off, he will give double of advance taken to buyer).

Now the buyer is backing off and wants to cancel the deal due to unavailability of remaining payment. Is the penalty amount of advance payment halaal for me to keep?

Obtaining the virtue of reciting Surah Sajdah and Surah Dahr in the Fajr Salaah on a Friday

Q: With regards to Friday Fajr salaah: If I read Surah Sajdah in 2 rakaats one week, and the next week read Surah Dahr in 2 rakaats, will I get the fadheelat of the sunnah? Because the musallees are old, and they do not like to read long salaah. For this reason, can I get the reward for the sunnah?

If there's no sunnah reward for this, then how can I get the sunnah reward?

Birth announcement posters

Q: I would like to know the status of making a digital announcement poster upon the birth of a child.

Nowadays, people make a digital poster that they either put on their status or send to people announcing the birth of a child (no photograph of the child). Some go to the extent of putting the child's weight and height.

Personally, this is not something I am in support of however with extended family, there seems to be no control with regards to things like this.

Is it acceptable to allow this to happen or should the extended family be told not to do it?