Conveying the reward of good actions to the deceased
Q: I am just confused about a problem. I heard somewhere that reading Qur'an for a dead person can't benefit him. Is this correct?
Q: I am just confused about a problem. I heard somewhere that reading Qur'an for a dead person can't benefit him. Is this correct?
Q: Is it true that zakaat shouldn't be given to Sayyids. I wanted to give my yearly zakaat amount to one of my family relatives as they are very poor but my mom stopped me and told me that zakaat cannot be given to Sayyids. Is this true?
Q: I was wondering if the following names are acceptable:
- Taariq as in, Taariq bin Ziyaad.
- Shurahbil who was involved in the Conquest of Syria - is he a Sahabi?
- Shurayh
- Jurayj as in the one mentioned in a hadeeth.
- Humaydah
- Rumaysaa (Umm Sulaym bint Milhaan?)
- Humayraa (Aa'isha (Radiyallahu Anhas) nickname?)
Please provide Arabic and meanings.
Q: My sister has been in an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship for the past 7 years. Her husband recently asked her to leave and wants nothing to do with her. She left with her 3 children. Now he refuses to give her talaq out of spite and wanting to maintain control of her. Does the fact that he asked her to leave constitute a valid talaaq?
Q: I saw two orbs of light blue/white lights in the sky last night and they were floating around. Sometimes I see a white orb of light inside my house which lasts for 2-3 seconds. Can you tell me what it is?
Q: I don't know how to do istikhaara, can someone else do it for me?
Q: Can I make dua for things I want in Jannah? Please don't say first get there then ask for things. I know that but I want to ask now before I die.
Q: Can you explain to me how to clean off napaak discharge off many places on the walls with tissues?
Q: I got my nikaah done six months ago. Rukhsati was due on my visa procedures as my husband is living in US. Everything was all good but after few months of our marriage my in laws seems to be wanting to end this relation there reason is they have bad feelings they feel I am not right for my husband and they want us to separate. My husband, me and my family don't want to end this marriage. My husband is confused to choose what's best. He wants this marriage to workout. He has been trying to convince his parents and they don't seem to change their minds although not giving a proper reason they just say its their bad feelings. Both the parents and me and my husband did isthkhara before nikkah and we were positive about it. I don't know why is this happening what is right thing to do here?
Q: I am in umrah. I am taking pills to stop my haidh. If I do spot, should I stop going to the musjid to pray my salaah?