Accountant taking out a portion of his wealth and giving it to the poor for recording interest transactions

Q: If I work in an accounting environment where interest and insurance etc. will be recorded and calculated, will the tax I pay on my salary be enough to purify my income or should I take out a certain percentage every month as a way of purifying my wealth from Haraam and doubtful?

Taking back a gift

Q: Mufti Saheb, could you please explain to me in which situation is it permissible for a person to take back a gift and in which situation is it not permissible? Is it makrooh-e-tahreemi to take back a gift which one had gifted someone or makrooh-e-tanzeehi?

Similarly, if a person gifted a family member, is there any difference in the sharee ruling if one wishes to take back the gift?

Supposing, someone had taken back the gift from a non-relative or relative against their consent and happiness, what are the deeni consequences? Will the item return to one’s ownership and will it be permissible for one to use the item?

I am a student in madrasah and would appreciate if you could provide me with the full details around this masalah.

Not giving the profit to the shareholders

Q: If you had given someone a sum of money to invest in a property but they are now constantly making excuses not to give the money or the profit to you (but you don't know their situation - maybe they are struggling) would that be considered as just a debt or stealing? Does it make their income haraam? For instance, if they are hosting a function, would it be permissible to attend and partake of the food?