Reasoning For Allowing Zakaat to be Discharged Before Its Due Date

Q: The following is an usool question which I would like clarity in. I told the brothers they could pay zakaat earlier then the time it is due. For example Ramadan is in a week so give it now to benefit the poor. The people said it makes no sense. They said, then why can I not fast a month earlier. Why can I not pray Salaah a day before? Is it true that we can give zakaat earlier because it is to benefit the poor? Can you please help me answer this brother?

Inheritance Question

Q: The deceased (the mother) holds 1/8th share in a fixed property. She is survived by 4 sons and 3 daughters. How should the deceased's 1/8th share be apportioned to each of the 4 sons and 3 daughters?

Giving Zakaat on the Pretext of Wages

Q: There is a destitute Muslim woman who is deserving of Zakaat, but feels embarrassed and does not accept it. An Aapa wishes to give her Zakaat. I shall be running a home-school next year, Insha-Allah. The Aapa suggested that I take assistance from this destitute lady in the form of student supervision, and she will give her the Zakaat and tell her that it is wages. Whereas, the Aapa and I both know that it is not wages as it is not an employment as such, and as she is very sickly, she will only come when she is well. I would like to know if the Aapa's suggestion is permissible.