Nikaah in the Presence of Witnesses

Q: A certain brother wishes to know if his nikah performed in the following manner is valid. In the presence of two jamaat brothers and his wife they first reverted his wife to Islam by making her recite the kalimah tayyiba. Thereafter he told her that I have accepted you as my wife and she also accepted him. There was no formal discussion of mahr. Thereafter they had performed their marriage at the home affairs according to the Christian Law for purposes of citizenship etc. His wife now doubts as to whether they had been living in sin all the time. Please assist.

Stipulating the profits in proportion to the investment

Q: I would be grateful if you can guide me through my problem. I am currently staying in the UAE  (United Arab Emirates) and supporting my family (Parents, wife and two kids) who are also staying with me in the UAE as they cannot go back to Pakistan. My father is unemployed. My problem is that I have a limited income and everything is very expensive in the UAE. The house rents are also very high. In this situation I have got an offer from a businessman, that if I invest with him in the business he will give me 10% share of my investment every month. Understanding that his business is already well established and there are apparently no possible chances for any loss, please advise if this is halaal for me?

Removing Unwanted Hair

Q: Please could you advise the extent of removal of pubic hair. From the navel or from the pubic hairline? Scrotal hair? Area between the scrotum and back passge? Around the back passage? Also, what is the absolute maximum time that a person can go without removing such hair and is it a sin to go beyong this period?