What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person

Q: Kindly provide a response on the following: In today's times, with more and more people watching hindi movies, their ways are being practiced by Muslims. What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person, like how the hindus do it - going down on their knees, with head bowed over (almost touching the ground) and touching the feet of the person? Does the Muslim person become a Mushrik? If yes, then does the nikah of that person break? How should such a person make towbah?

A: It is haraam to bow down to anybody besides Allah Ta`ala. Bowing with the intention of worship and ibaadat is shirk.

( تقبيل يد نفسه إذا لقي غيره ) فهو ( مكروه ) فلا رخصة فيه وأما تقبيل يد صاحبه عند اللقاء فمكروه بالإجماع ( وكذا ) ما يفعلونه من قبيل ( الأرض بين يدي العلماء ) والعظماء فحرام والفاعل والراضي به آثمان لأنه يشبه عبادة الوثن

قال الشامي في رد المحتار: وقال شمس الأئمة السرخسي إن كان لغير الله تعالى على وجه التعظيم كفر (رد المحتار 6/383)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
