Q: Do any of these constitute as SPECFICALLY SHIRK/KUFR (have I come out of the fold of Islam for these things):
1. Playing video games that have magic in them, voluntarily pressing buttons that make the character use magic?
2. Saving digital pictures/art online in a personal online account like Pinterest or Discord, using them as profile pictures or sending them to other people? (NOT producing/making them myself)
3. Watching videos of haraam stuff or people doing haraam stuff like playing a game, animated show, dancing, singing, drawing, or just of animate objects even if you do not believe that these are halaal actions or disallow shirk in your heart/mind?
4. Making up/imagining/daydreaming scenarios in your head where you have a completely different life as a non-muslim in a world without God, committing shirk or doing haraam things even if you would not do so in this life/reality and do not actually believe it in? Basically imagining myself imitating kufaars in another world because of a desire to mindlessly engage in worldly fun like other people where you wouldn’t be held accountable?
5. Enjoying viewing or talking about haraam stuff, like watching a dance and saying “it was a good dance” and NOT “dance is allowed in Islam” or like discussing what happened in a picture novel with people?
6. Talking casually with a kaafir online, not considered as a close friend, while making sure I do not engage with Shirk topics or explicitly encouraging their haraam ways/topics they bring up?