1) Whilst on Safar, are the four sunnats also reduced to two rakaats or does that rule only apply to the four fardh?
2) Whilst on Safar, is the 2 sunnah of Fajr compulsory and will one be considered sinful if they omit it?
3) If a person joins the Jamaat late and misses 3 rakaats in 4 rakaat fardh, they will stand up after the Imam makes Salaam, read 1 rakaat and sit for Tashahud again before performing the other 2 rakaats. Kindly explain which rakaats the Surah should be recited and which rakaats it should be omitted?
1. During a journey the witr salaah and the two Sunnats of fajar should not be left out. Apart from the witr and the two sunnats of fajar, one has a choice to perform one's Sunnats. The Sunnats will not be reduced to half, however the status of the Sunnats will turn into the status of nafil (optional salaah). It is reported in the Hadith that during the safar at times Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) would perform the Sunnats and at times he would not perform the Sunnats. Hence if no inconvenience will be caused to those with whom one is travelling one may perform one's Sunnats. Similarly, upon reaching one's destination (wherein one intends residing for less than 15 days) when one is at ease then one may perform the Sunnats.
2. The sunnats of Fajr should be performed while on safar.
3. The surah will be read in the first and second rakaats.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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