Leaving the country one is working in for Deeni reasons

Q: I am from Pakistan and I am working in Dubai since 18 months. I find it always very difficult and disappointing to stay away from parents and brothers and sister. In my country I can get a job but it pays less than the job in Dubai. I have decided to leave and go back and work there on less salary than here and live with parents and brothers and I am also getting married soon in my country so I prefer to stay with all family and work on less salary there instead of staying here in Dubai away from them. My question is that according to Islamic teachings, am I taking the right step? Maybe this question seems little bit stupid but it holds great importance in my life as I want to follow my Deen in every aspect of my life. Please answer my question and help me to put an end to this confusion.

A: Leave with the intention of taking better care of your deen and your family and relatives.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
