Leaving out a Waajib in Salaah

Q: A salaah in which a wajib was left out, it is wajib to repeats within its time. But what if the time is over, is it still wajib to repeat it. Also such prayer can it be prayed at any time like after few days or is the order to pray it befor the next prayer obligatory? Do all makruh tahrimi acts, like omitting wajib, prayed with pictures on the cloth or towards a picture make it wajib to repeat the salaah? Or is it in some cases only sunnah or mustahab to repeat it?


  1. If a person left out a waajib in salaah forgetfully then he should make sajdah sahw. If he does not make sajdah sahw, the namaaz will have to be repeated as long as the time of that salaah remains.
  2. Through forgetfully omitting a waajib, rukn (act) of salaah or advancing, delaying or repeating it, sajdah sahw becomes waajib. If one does not make the sajdah sahw the salaah will have to be repeated as long as the time of salaah remains. Through carrying out any other makrooh act (e.g salaah prayed with pictures on the cloth or pictures found in the room) which is not from among these acts of salaah which we have mentioned, though the salaah will be makrooh, but it will not have to be repeated and one should make istighfaar and tauba.

(يجب بعد سلام واحد عن يمينه فقط) . . . (سجدتان و) ... (تشهد وسلام) . . .  (إذا كان الوقت صالحا) . . . (بترك) متعلق بيجب (واجب) مما مر في صفة الصلاة (سهوا) فلا سجود في العمد  . . . (وإن تكرر) لأن تكراره غير مشروع ( كركوع) متعلق بترك واجب (قبل قراءة) الواجب لوجوب تقديمها (الدر المختار 2/80)

قال العلامة ابن عابدين - رحمه الله -: (قوله بترك واجب) أي من واجبات الصلاة الأصلية لا كل واجب إذ لو ترك ترتيب السور لا يلزمه شيء مع كونه واجبا بحر (رد المحتار 2/80)

(قوله وإعادتها بتركه عمدا) أي ما دام الوقت باقيا وكذا في السهو ان لم يسجد له وإن لم يعدها حتى خرج الوقت تسقط مع النقصان وكراهة التحريم ويكون فاسقا آثما وكذا الحكم في كل صلاة أديت مع كراهة التحريم (حاشية الطحطاوي على مراقي الفلاح صـ 247)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
