Istikhara for marriage

Q: I made istikhara for marriage and had a number of dreams. On the 1st day I dreamt of faeces on my clothes which my abba asked me to remove. The second I don't remember so correctly but I dreamt of a friend removing lice from my hair. The 4th or 5th day I dreamt of the boy's mother and sister correcting me regarding some card and the last day I dreamt of a ring. I am fairly confused though I have a positive feeling. I like to know if these dreams have any meaning regarding my istikhara.

A: Discuss the matter with your parents and elders. If after following the necessary procedures you find the character, ways, habits, deeni values, etc. of the boy to be acceptable and your family elders are also happy and all of you are positive in this regards then you may go ahead.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
