Istikhara for marriage

Q: I did istikhara twice. In my first istikhara first I got stuck in the traffic on the bridge and then I reached to the kaabah with my family members to perform tawaf. But in the second istikhara, I saw my self going with family members on the way to perform umrah (I was in abaya with my mom and my family members, brother and dad were in white ehram) and I saw maroon car passing in front of our car and and I was shouting because of the fear that maroon car would hit our car (in istikhara) but it didn't hit and I became happy that we have been saved so is this dream good or not? My heart feelings are good about the person but I don't know the situation seems to be difficult to marry him.

A: If your parents are pleased with the boy's Deen, character and mannerisms and they are happy with the boy's family, then you may accept the proposal.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
