Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: If my following dream could please be interpreted: I dreamt that I was in my bed (as I had gone to sleep) and Shaytaan suddenly appeared right in front of my face. Shaytaan had feaces in his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. He was then trying to force feed me the feaces with the spoon. I kept on turning my face away left and right, however, he just reappeared in whichever direction I turned to trying to force the feaces in my mouth. I became very tired and exhausted at constantly moving my face. I was very scared at what might happen. This with Shaytaan continued for some time. The dream then ended and I woke up very scared and worried.

A: You should ensure that the places you frequent and people you associate with are conducive to your Imaani values and principles. Avoid all avenues of doubt or sin (e.g. doubtful earnings, doubtful food, wrong company, internet, TV, cellphone, literature, etc). Shaitaan misleads a person via all these avenues of sin.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
