refraining from sin


Q: Can you give the interpretation of this dream. I was in a Islamic gathering and walked pass a tree and there was a green mamba wrapped in a branch that bit me and it was painful but it was not before fajr.


Q: Following people blindly into a mob-revolution and finding yourself amongst the victims. There's a fear a of being attacked by them after the justice but you are not harmed by them. While being amongst them you feel lost but you eventually find a way out. It was in a deserted building with many rooms.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: If my following dream could please be interpreted: I dreamt that I was in my bed (as I had gone to sleep) and Shaytaan suddenly appeared right in front of my face. Shaytaan had feaces in his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. He was then trying to force feed me the feaces with the spoon. I kept on turning my face away left and right, however, he just reappeared in whichever direction I turned to trying to force the feaces in my mouth. I became very tired and exhausted at constantly moving my face. I was very scared at what might happen. This with Shaytaan continued for some time. The dream then ended and I woke up very scared and worried.

Refraining from sin

Q: Yesterday I saw a dream that I and my sister with many unknown people were trying to cut an infant baby's neck with a knife (zabah) at the gate of my masjid and I felt very uncomfortable so I left them and turned my face. My sister is pregnant.