Suspecting the husband of being involved in an affair

Q: This question is from my mother. She is 57 years old and my father is 60 years old. She is regular in her daily 5 times prayers and is also memorizing the quran as well. She also teaches tajweed. She is feeling a difference in my father's attitude towards her and us children. She is doing a lot of istikhara and nafl prayers for my dad since he rarely takes interest in her and us. Although he is a good provider, he attends to all our financial needs but he hardly takes interest in spending time at home with us like before. Before he was very jolly and spent time with us talking. My mother saw this dream twice that she is sitting at the back of the car and he is sitting at the front. She also saw lots of lizards running around and kitten many of thrm. She thinks he is involved with another woman. She also dreamt my dad with another woman, his new wife and kids. She dreamt that there is a snake's head in the water pipe of the house. The snake is hidden in the pipe, my mom can only see the head. Please provide interpretations. My mom has gone into severe depression. Please help.

A: Don't pay attention to this type of dreams. Be positive and show additional kindness to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
