Istikhaara for marriage

Q: Last night I did istikhaara and my mother also did istikhaara but my mother did not see any dream where as I saw a dream where in I have seen a ash colour big cat was throwing mirror pieces on me continuously the mirror pieces are very sharp I was trying to hold them so that I can not get hurt. Despite my efforts to protect, I got hurt and my left leg thumb got cut and bled but I did not see any blood. In the other dream I saw 5 to 6 dead army soldiers and one with out head. Army soldiers lying in pool of blood. The little blood is on the ground. I saw just the blood on the ground. Do please tell me what it means.

A: You should do your investigations of the person before confirming anything.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
