Making sincere tawbah

Q: I am very ashamed because I did a big mistake. I want to ask about that. One day I went to a party and I drunk too much then I came back to my home and I slept at midnight. I woke up and I saw my step sister sleeping and I touched her parts and she woke up. She told my step mom and my father and then through me out from the home. I am not understanding what to do now. I was drunk that's why this happened. They through me out its ok, but sir one thing is hitting my heart one by one I felt like my life has stopped. Please tell me what to do? How can I manage my life and what should I do? I am very sad.

A: Your life has not stopped. Make sincere taubah and Allah Ta`ala will forgive you and bless you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
