Reuniting after divorce

Q: I converted to Islam and have been married for 15 years with my husband and two sons. Arrival to the problem. My husband has never been a very practising Muslim all these years and I must say I made life very simple. Saw repeated betrayals by me always forgiven for the sake of the family. Only in the past three years the situation has worsened with requests from him of sexual practises prohibited in Islam even in all morality. Whereupon I set him to see if he could without me to find the right path. So it was in fact I ask him to give me irrevocable repudiation instantly (while loving him yet). I didn't know anything about divorce in Islam but I though that this was the only way that he will change. He did not wish to give but at last he gave. I forced him to give me under threat. I unfortunately wasn't aware of the consequences of this thing because nobody told about divorce in Islam. Now only a few months after I realized that I really love him. It is my intent to get back. I would now like to come back together also for our children but as I said, unfortunately I do not know if we can. There are differing opinions. Some say that just a marriage with another person and divorce right away but others say I should even consummate this marriage (that is for me much difficult because I love and have always loved my husband and I would never think to betray him). Because having my good intent should I lose so cruelly. Please help me?

A: If he mentioned it just once then you may get back to him with a renewed nikaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: He gave me three divorce in one time, so this is my problem. Now how in front of Allah we can again get married together? What is the solution?

- Is possible that my marriage with him was maybe invalid because he never pay the money he promised me?

- is possible that if he gives three divorce all in one in anger and only because I asked him is valid? Really I'mvery upset about all this.

1. No.

2. The marriage is valid. He is sinful if he did not pay the mahr.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
