Dreaming of one's husband being uncovered


1. I had a dream my husband was naked or was uncovering and in the dream I was telling him what you doing? Please cover up. Please explain what this means.

2. I have been previously married and got a divorce as my husbands character wasn't good. Now I'm married for the second time. I found out my husband had lied to me about his age and married me. He is from back home. I did istikara to know whether he truly loves me and if I should bring him to UK. In my dream I saw I have two husbands. My first husbands face resembled the second husband I married in real life and second husband is an English man. In the dream the second husband talks nicely to me and also wants offspring. In my dream I'm confused whether I should have his baby or not because I have two husbands. Then one person in dream says well your second husband talks nicely etc, you should have a baby because the first one isn't good to you. Please explain what this means.

A: 1-2. The dream indicates towards your discovering what he tried to conceal from you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

