Coming out of the home to take out the dirt in the state of iddat


1. My husband passed away on the 27th of February at 3:15 PM. When will my iddat terminate?

2. I have a washing machine in my garage which is located in front of my house. Can I go there to do my washing? I have no maid. Similarly can I take the dirt and leave it outside in the demarcated area?

3. The deceased leaves behind the following heirs. How will the estate be distributed? Mother Father 3 Sisters Wife 1 Son (2 and half years old) 1 daughter ( 5 years old)


1. The iddat will terminate on the 6th of July at 3.15 pm.

2. A woman in the state of iddat should remain within the home. Without a dire need, she should not leave the home. If the washing machine is outside the home but within the yard at a place where she will not be viewed by people, then it will be permissible. If there is somebody else available to leave the dirt outside the home, then that person should carry out this task. However, if there is nobody to assist her to take the dirt outside the home, then she may carry out this task by herself and thereafter immediately return to the home.

3. The estate will be divided into 72 shares. The wife will receive 9 shares. The father will receive 12 shares. The mother will receive 12 shares. The son will receive 26 shares. The daughter will receive 13 shares.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)