Dreaming of pork

Q: I want to ask one question about my dream. It is very urgent. I am very disappointed today. My question is that from last one year I am seeing in my dream the meat of pig. I am very upset. When I see that I feel like someone is trying to eat that meat and the worst thing is that I feel the very bad smell of that thing in my dream. It seems like I will die of that dirty smell. Please help me. I am working with International BPO and I am living with an old Christian man from the last six years.

A: Refrain from all types of doubtful earnings and haraam business transactions (interest, etc.). Similarly exercise caution in regard to the use of the internet, cellphone, etc. and ensure that you remain at all times in pious company.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
