Reciting durood in a dream

Q: I had a dream where I was experiencing difficulty but then I recited to Allah Ta'ala "Oh Allah I ask you in those words" repeatedly indicating to a specific durood that was in a book. In the dream, I found that the difficulty disappeared and everything became normal after I said theses words. I later found that durood in the book after I saw the dream and started practicing reciting it. Can you tell me the meaning of this dream and also do you know the virtues of it? (Allahuma swoli alaa muhamadim bi a da di kulli thara tin alfa alfi mrra wa alaa aa li hee was haa bi hee wasslim). The only description mentions it being a durood that the elders highlighted the excellence of that durood.

A: The meaning of the dream is that through remaining on the Sunnah, Allah Ta'ala will remove all your difficulties and bless you with happiness and aafiyat. We are unable to understand the durood since it is written in transliteration. We will appreciate it if you can send us the Arabic text of the durood.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
