Being concerned about one's reformation

Q: I would like interpretations on the following three dreams below:

  1.  I am in Grade 11 and I attend a boy’s only non-Muslim school. In the dream, I am in my school hall sitting on a chair just below the stage facing towards the hall. Behind me on the stage are about four non-Muslim students from my grade also sitting on chairs. Right at the back of the hall are stands on which many Grade 8s are sitting on. Other than this, the entire hall is empty with the chairs removed. There is a great, empty space between those at the back and us. Whilst I am sitting on the chair, I recite “La ilaha… illallah” and without any microphone, my voice is amplified and reaches the Grade 8s at the back of the hall very loudly. The ‘La ilaha… illallah’ vibrates throughout the hall. Then, the Grade 8s respond in unison also with “La ilaha… illallah” back at me in a very beautiful manner that also vibrates throughout the hall, responding after I recite. Whilst on the chair I start slowing swaying back and forth towards my left thigh reciting “La ilaha …illallah.” I sway downwards when saying “La ilaha” and then lift up when saying “illallah”. At the same time, they are still responding with what I am saying just after I say it - in unison. I could feel an effect on my heart in the dream at this point. I  was wondering as to why the majority non-Muslims in the grade were also reciting ‘La ilaha illallah.’ This continued for a little while. I then got an SMS/BBM on my phone whilst in this state of zikr and read it. The message had some severe swearwords in it and was from a person from those sitting behind me – from my grade. I was very angered at this, the swearing, and I stopped reciting. Standing up, I then angrily said something to the effect of, “If you don’t want to respect Allah now, then how do you expect him to help you in your coming exams?” – I am unsure of the exact wording. This was also projected loudly across the hall. Those from my grade behind me stood up and left angrily. However, all the Grade 8s were now running towards me excitedly and altogether. In the dream, I felt very honoured and proud at this, but I quickly became angry with myself as I began to question my sincerity. Everybody was crowded around me and was talking joyfully amongst themselves. A Muslim student from Grade 8 then introduced me to another student who said he wanted “business advice” from me. I am at school and am not involved in any business. I could not tell if this other person was a Muslim or not. I asked the Muslim brother, is it “Good morning” or “Assalamu Alaikum” as I stretched my hand out to shake the others hand. The dream then ended.
  2. Sometime ago, I have been giving dawah to this atheist friend at school. He was very interested in Islam but now not at all in any  religion. In my dream, I see him walking in front of me across the school field in a very fast manner. He’s walking towards the end of the field. Instead of where there would normally be stairs at the end of the field, there is this very bright form of white/yellow light that covers that whole side. I am walking behind him, trying to catch up. As I am following him, a small man appears and tugs him back and latches on to him. My friend continues walking, but very slowly now because of this man holding him back. He has not noticed the man holding on to him and gradually slows him down even further in speed. The small man is about the height of a 10-year-old child. He is wearing a dark blue coloured suit and has the facial features and build of an adult. His complexion is a bit dark. I rush up ahead and try to pull this man away. He leaves my friend but then latches on to behind my back and starts slowing me down instead. My friend turns his head around only now and realizes what is happening. He smiles at me very happily and put his one arm over my shoulder. He is very strong and we walk together towards the bright light with our arms over each other’s shoulders. The small man is still trying to drag me back but the support of my friend overcomes this. The dream ends before we reach the light. Also, there was no speaking or any sound in this dream at all.

  3. I had made istikhara recently on what to study after school; my choices were Medicine, I.T or something relating to deen. However, I feel my dream relates to my namaaz and not the istikhara made. I am walking outdoors in a large flat landscape near the foot of a high
    mountain. The ground is dry, hard and dusty with the sand being a whitish-yellow colour. I can feel the sun hitting the ground with much heat, but I am not affected by it. Arranged in systematic rows, there are many of the same type of tree. The trees are short though extremely green, leafy and fertile also providing much shade around them. They had strong and thick branches. In the dream, I was surprised that these trees could survive so well under the harsh climate of this place. I was walking through the trees with, which I think, a musallah or cloth folded over my shoulder looking for a place to perform namaaz. I passed by an exceptionally black dog who was resting on top of one of the trees. The dog’s coat was full black and its coat was even shining like how a black car does when in the sun. It was a black Labrador retriever. This dog was extremely calm when I walked passed and it, in a friendly-like manner, lifted up its head to see me. A few metres away from the dog I placed my musallah/cloth on top of one of the trees, and began to perform namaaz. Placed over the tree, the musallah/cloth was all uneven over the branches and leaves. I remember not performing my namaaz with much concentration at this time. Next to me, was a sort of house or chalet. Upon completion, I saw my father coming and walking past the dog and I think he may have petted the dog. The dog stood up in excitement and was wagging his tail at my father. My father said it was the first time he had ever seen this house/chalet on this property and he wanted to check it out. We stood in the veranda and looked through the glass sliding doors. The house was very luxurious and well-decorated inside with comfortable looking couches and decorations on the wall. It was open plan style and we could see the lounge and kitchen part. The house/chalet was small though. A gust of wind blew and the sliding doors opened. Cool air came from inside the house/chalet. Holding a pellet gun in his hand, my father walked into the house/chalet, saying he is going to look if he can find anyone. I remained outside, looking in. This part of the dream then ended. In the next part of the dream, it is much later in the day and it appears to be around maghrib time. The sky is somewhat dark and I can see the redness of the sun on the horizon. I am also near another mountain again. It seems as if there was a severe fire as all the shrubs and grass is badly burnt and black. It is that even the mountain appears burned. I am walking across a road and seem to be telling the shrubs and grass on the other side to go read their namaaz. I point to them the direction of the qibla. I was speaking in a friendly tone, it was almost like I was telling small children to read their namaaz. My mother then appeared from somewhere and gave me a piece of paper. A short poem of Hazrat Moulana Rumi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was written on it in large font. I cannot remember the poem itself, but only “- Rumi” written at the end. My mother had then told me that I must rather perform my namaaz before I tell the shrubs to perform theirs. I took heed and I began to run further up the mountain. The place where I stopped was very dark, but I could very brightly see the red sun on the horizon. I may have said “Mashallah” at this point, admiring the sun. I placed my musallah on the floor on the blackened shrubs and began to read my namaaz almost in complete darkness. I faced towards the sun. Like before, I did not have much concentration. The dream then ended. 

Mufti Saheb, Alhamdulilah since the start of Ramadaan this year I have been performing five times namaaz compared to only Fajr and Isha prior. I sometimes forget to set my alarm for Fajr or I may wake up, turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. I make qaza at Zohr time. I suffer much wasawaas in my namaaz. I often think of something relating to deen in my namaaz, like a lecture that I may have heard. I have not paid much attention to correcting my wasawaas as I falsely justify deeni-related wasawaas being permissible somehow. 


  1. Alhamdulillah, this is a very Mubaarak dream.  May Allah Ta'la keep you firm on your Deen with sincerity and may He make you a means of inviting others towards the Deen of Islaam.
  2. Be cautious regarding the company you keep and the places you frequent. Similarly, refrain from anti Islaamic literature and books that have been prepared by atheists, orientalists or those who are not committed to Deen. The motivation and drive within a person is often destroyed on account of the ill effects caused by wrong company or wrong types of literature.

  3. Be more punctual with your salaah with jamaat in the masjid. We should be more concerned with our reformation before being concerned about others. Always make Deen the priority in your life and in all situations throughout your life give preference to your Deen, Allah Ta'la will always look at you favorably and bless you. Keep ta'alluq with some pious servant and friend of Allah Ta'ala (who is committed to the Sunnah), attend his gatherings and remain committed to his teachings.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
