Refraining from having any type of association with the kuffaar

Q: I am a converted Muslim and my mom is non Muslim. I saw a dream that I am at my moms house and a group of sadhus in ripe mango colour clothes started entering in my moms house in that group some small children sahus were also there and with their one hand all sadhus were playing lazim like something some sort of music was there in my dream me n my mother were saying them to stop not to enter house but they were not listening to us and from that group one man took my hand bag which was hanging and it was yellow in colour and he hanged it on his left shoulder and went directly to toilet and tried to close toilet door n remove my rupees from purse and one small sadhu boy was standing outside the toilet door and I was stopping that man to close toilet door and from removing money then also he was not listening he was trying to remove money from purse and they were entering. I don't remember but I felt like some gulal was sprinkled on them I did not see gulaal but I felt like that.

A: Remain firm on Imaan and refrain from having any type of association with the kuffaar.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
