Shaitaani Dream

Q: I dream about my sister's brother in law every two three times in a month. I used to like him never told him though, then there were some up an downs in both families, his mother used to say that they want my hand after my sister's for this particular son (I was very young in age that time),but after the bad things that happened between over families it (reshta) couldn't happen. He is married now. I used to dream about him before and after his marriage in different ways. I am engaged now and I love my fiance very much and never thought of any person but him after our relationship. But still I have dreams about my sister's brother in-law. I never understand why? I never think of him never ever.

A: These dreams are from shaitaan. Don't pay attention to these dreams and don't intentionally put your mind in this direction.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

