
Feelings from Shaitaan

Q: This may seem like a silly question, but this has seriously been bothering me for a very long time. A few years ago I fell in love with a girl, and then ended up finding out she lives very far away and my chances of marrying her are very slim. But every time I'm finally able to let go of most of my feelings for her, something happens that pulls her back into my heart. I've suffered alot of painful heartbreak in matters regarding her, but sometimes I feel like Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) is keeping her in my heart because she is meant for me. I've even had alot of dreams about me and her being happy with each other, laughing, and having a good time with our families around us. This makes me think those dreams are glad tidings from Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) that she is meant for me. Even my friend told me once that he had a dream where he saw me and her together. Can you please tell me what I should do to heal myself from all this, so I can finally be at peace? I find it very hard to forget her unless I'm absolutely sure she's not meant to be mine.

Is Shaitaan victorious?

Q: Iblees challenged that he would destroy us. In the end the number of people in Jahannam is greater than the number of Jannati. Is it his victory? Why the number is greater of Jahannami? What will happen to him is there any information about it? 


Q: I saw a dream about a family member that recently passed away. The deceased was happy and looked young. Are dreams of the deceased true, or is it possible for Shaytaan to take the form of the deceased to give us hope?

Shaitaani Dream

Q: I dream about my sister's brother in law every two three times in a month. I used to like him never told him though, then there were some up an downs in both families, his mother used to say that they want my hand after my sister's for this particular son (I was very young in age that time),but after the bad things that happened between over families it (reshta) couldn't happen. He is married now. I used to dream about him before and after his marriage in different ways. I am engaged now and I love my fiance very much and never thought of any person but him after our relationship. But still I have dreams about my sister's brother in-law. I never understand why? I never think of him never ever.

Dreaming of Hazrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: I was going through a website of which the link is provided below -

Maulana Zakariyah mentions in Fazaail-e- Aamaal that “Shaytaan does not have the power to declare himself a Prophet in a dream.”“It is impossible that that the person dreaming may misunderstand Shaytaan as the Holy Prophet.” “If the person does not see the Prophet in a good feature, then that is the fault of the dreamer.” “If the person sees the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) doing an unlawful act, then the dream need interpretation in light of Islamic law even though (the person who dreamt) may be a pious saint.” I have read that it is mentioned in Fazaail Amal that a man had a dream in which Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) (allegedly) asked him to ‘Drink Liquor’. My question is should we not reject the dreams which does not fit the description of the Prophet and is against shariah?