Stopping in-between words in Salaah

Q: During Quran recitation or during the Zikrs and duaas while in salaah if one stops at the half of a word and after 2 seconds one continue does the Salaah break? For example when one wants to read "Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin..." one says "Al..." after 2 seconds "...Hamdulillahi..." or one starts from begining again. Another example when reciting "Ihdinas siraat al mustakim..." one says "siraat al..." then one does restart from "Ihdinas..." Or when reading "...musteqim.." one stops after after "muste..."  then one re-reads it. Does such things break salaah? Also if one makes such an error that would break the salaah, if one re-reads the relevant place correctly again, does the salaah become valid again?

A: Can you explain the reason for one stopping in between the words?

Q: The stopping sometimes just happens, or it happens that I think that I have recited the part wrong so I want to repeat, then it happens that I have stopped. Please explain the ruling for all possible situations so that I am aware of the rulings for it.


  1. If the pause is due to short breath or stuttering then there is no problem. However if the pause is due to doubt, then if the pause is for the duration of three Subhaanallah, sajdah sahw will be waajib.
  2. There are two opinions in regard to this mas'ala. One opinion is the Salaah will break. The second opinion is the Salaah will remain valid.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.

( و ) اعلم أنه ( إذا شغله ذلك ) الشك فتفكر ( قدر أداء ركن ولم يشتغل حالة الشك بقراءة ولا تسبيح ) ذكره في الذخيرة ( وجب عليه سجود السهو في ) جميع ( صور الشك )
قال الشامي في رد المحتار : قوله ( واعلم الخ ) قال في المنية وشرحها الصغير ثم الأصل في التفكر أنه إن منعه عن أداء ركن كقراءة آية أو ثلاث أو ركوع أو سجود أو عن أداء واجب كالقعود يلزمه السهو (رد المحتار 2/93)

وإن لحن القاري وأصلح بعده       إذا غير المعنى الفساد مقرر
و هذا مقال الأقدمين و بعض         من تأخر قالوا: الفساد يؤثّر
(عقد القلائد وقيد الشرائد 30)

ذكر في الفوائد لو قرأ في الصلاة بخطأ فاحش ثم رجع وقرأ صحيحا قال عندي صلاته جائزة (الفتاوى الهندية 1/82)

(فتاوى محموديه 7/120)


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: You mentioned that there are 2 opinions whether the invalidity of salaah is lifted when a mistake that would invalidate the salaah, is re-read correctly, but what is the fatwa position?


A: Some Ulama' issue fatwa on the first opinion while others issue fatwa on the second opinion.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
