Q: If there is a resident Imaam of a Masjid, who adheres to the Sunnah outwardly and by Mazhab he is a Hanafi and another Imaam from outside who it seems as though trims his beard is a Shafi/Maaliki. The question is that can the Second Imaam who is not the resident Imaam be allowed to lead the Eid Salaah on the basis that the crowd that attends the Eid Gaah is generally Shafi/Maaliki? If not then will the sin of appointing him to lead the Eid Salaah be on the board members? As the resident Imaam had informed them that the sin will be on their shoulder and not his. Is this statement correct?
A: To appoint a person who trims his beard less than a fist is not permissible.
( ويكره ) تنزيها ( إمامة عبد ) ولو معتقا قهستاني عن الخلاصة ولعله لما قدمناه من تقدم الحر الأصلي إذ الكراهة تنزيهية فتنبه ( وأعرابي ) ومثله تركمان وأكراد وعامي ( وفاسق وأعمى ) ونحوه الأعشى
قال الشامي في رد المحتار : قوله ( وفاسق ) من الفسق وهو الخروج عن الاستقامة ولعل المراد به من يرتكب الكبائر كشارب الخمر والزاني وآكل الربا ونحو ذلك كذا في البرجندي إسماعيل (رد المحتار 1/ 559-560)
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