Authentication of a Hadith

Q: Kindly inform me if the following is authentic : In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah Almighty says: O son of Adam, do not fear those who have authority over you as long as My authority is enduring, and My authority never runs out. O son of Adam, do not be afraid of a tight livelihood when My treasuries are full and My treasuries never run out. O son of Adam, do not ask anybody else except Me and I am yours, and when you ask Me you find Me; but if you ignore Me, I will turn away from you, and you will miss the whole good. O son of Adam, I have created you to worship Me, not to play, and I ensured your sustenance so that you do not torment yourself (by worrying about it — let the physical parts of your body work but your heart and mind be in peace by putting your trust in God). I swear in My Power and Might, if you’re satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I will give your mind and body peace, but if you will not be satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I swear in My Power and Might, I will make you run after the world like the beasts run in the wild, then you will have nothing except what I had apportioned to you, and you have been disgraced. O son of Adam, the creation of the seven heavens and the earth did not fatigue Me, will passing you a loaf of bread cause Me to tire. O son of Adam, I did not forget whoever disobeys Me; how will I forget whoever obeys Me, and I am a Merciful Lord, and I have power over all things? O son of Adam, do not ask Me the sustenance of tomorrow as I did not ask you the work of tomorrow. O son of Adam, I love you so it is My Right that you love Me.

A: The meaning of the hadeeth seems to be right.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)