Signing talaaq papers

Q: When I married second time, my first wife demanded a divorce even after having three children. I didn't agree to divorce her but due to some circumtances her father hired a lawyer and got affidavit and stamp for divorce and demanded me to sign over the stamp. I had to sign on the papers. They left all three children with me. Since then, 8 monts have been passed and my ex wife wants to remarry me for the sake of our lovely children. I never said talaq three times to her but when I was signing the papers there was a thing in my mind that my divorce is happening. Is my ex wife halal for me? If not,0 what is the shariya law to remarry her?

A: If the signature was for one talaaq then only one talaaq has taken place. You still have the right to remarry her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)