Written Talaaq

Writing out three talaaqs in the state of duress

Q: Mufti Saheb, I was forced by my family to divorce my wife by writing on a page and signing that I am giving her three talaaqs. My family threatened to beat me up if I did not comply. Hence, I was forced to write the following: “I, so and so, am giving my wife three talaaqs.” Are the three talaaqs which I wrote valid or is my wife still in my nikaah?  I did not verbally issue the three talaaqs.

Wife receiving a divorce letter with a forged signature

Q: I received a divorce letter four months ago in which my husband's signature is mentioned. Now my husband is saying that he did not sign those papers. He lives abroad so he asked his father to process the divorce and his father sent me that letter with his fake signature and sent that divorce letter to me. Now he is saying that our divorce did not take place. Can you please guide me if my divorce happened or not?

Written talaaq

Q: Me and my husband were newly weds. Due to pressure and anxiety building up between both our families, my husband was made to write talaq thrice on a paper and this was then sent to me through his brother. My husband did not have the intention to divorce me thrice nor was he aware of writing this thrice would do. We both are now willing to reconcile, and I am still in my iddah period. Can you please advice and guide us as to how we can go back to living as husband and wife.

Issuing a divorce via email

Q: I was married and over a year ago I received my divorce through email, I was working overseas at the time. The email was this “I (his name and ID number) hereby give you a talaaq” he then got married and had a child to another woman and has divorced her... and now he is contacting me and telling me that he wants me back and that we are not divorced because we did not sign the papers, is this correct? Am I divorced or not divorced?

Divorce letter not reaching the wife

Q: I wrote a divorce letter to my wife and signed it in the presence of a qazi and two persons. The qazi was about to send the letter within the next 3 days. I did it because she was caught red handed talking closely to a stranger over the phone. She was pregnant at that moment.

After two days, I thought I will give her one more chance to correct herself and stopped the letter and the letter was destroyed. I also informed the two persons that were present when I signed the letter and I started living with her. She gave birth to a baby girl one month ago.

I thought it was necessary to deliver the letter to her for the divorce to be effective. She still does not know about the letter.

Recently I asked an Imaam about it and he said that the divorce has occured even though my wife was not present and the evidence was destroyed.

My question is, is my marriage still valid? 

Written Talaaq

Q: I had a second marriage recently on 31 Jan. I had no relationship with my wife till now because I got to know that she had not taken proper talaq from her first husband. Talaq is just on a plain paper written by her husband that I give u talaq. There there is no sign of a Qazi or advocate. So now I want to ask u if my marriage is valid or not? Our marriage was done by a Qazi. What should I do now?