Entertaining unnecessary doubts

Q: I had a dream before summer when I used to go to school. At school I used to run, play sport and exercise a lot. At that time I don't know what happened to me I started to think that I've lost my virginity because of playing too much sport. I was so depressed. One day I asked Allah a dua do show me a sign weather I am virgin or not. Eventually Allah showed me a dream about virginity! So in the dream I was with a lot of people in the park and we were all so happy. I was sitting with a group of people talking laughing smiling and then we were waiting and looking at another group decorating and stapling a green poster on the wall and it says virginity. Then this guy next to the poster told me you are virgin or I said to them that I am virgin but the answer was still yes and I was so happy basically I was smiling through out the whole dream and plus I had a pen and notebook too! This was my dream and can you please tell me what does this dream mean?

A: If there is no reason to doubt, then why entertain unnecessary doubts.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

