Referring an Atheist to someone who can guide them

Q: I have an atheist friend who asked me few questions that I was unable to answer. So I wanted to find an answer to provide guidance for her to the righteous path.

The first question was, people who tend to have religions tend to be so possessive about their religions and that if anyone doesn't follow their religion they wont be granted jannah. How can there be so many jannahs?

Second question is why is the christians, hindus or the athiests who dont even believe in God have so much that they need, but the Muslim who prays to Allah and does right deeds have so much less and suffer more compared to the others?

How should I show her the right path? I really want to help but I'm not able to explain her doubts about Islam.

A: Jannah is reserved for those who believe just as freedom of the land is for the law abiding. For the law breaking is the prison.

Don't do anything that is beyond your capacity. Refer her to someone who can understand and assist correctly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
