Marrying someone who is 15 years older

Q: I am writing in regards to a marriage proposal. I have met someone I like and he likes me and we want to get married, however we have a 15 year age difference. I am happy to go ahead and marry him and feel very positive about his character and personality and feel that we are similar in terms of maturity and mindset because I have always been mature for my age due to being the eldest child and not having a father growing up. My family like the guy and have no issues with him but are just a little worried about the age and if it will cause problems in the future. What should I do because I really want to marry him and him me because I feel that everything else is perfect for me and I like him and his character and deen and his family and his family have many age gap marriages from 10-18 years age gap and they are happy masha'allah so they have seen it work and are ok with it but my family are a little hesitant but they do really like him and his deen and character and said they have no problems with him otherwise. I would appreciate your advice on the matter. Jazakallah khair

A: I suggest that you speak to your elders and parents. They should make the decision in these matters.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

