Difficulty getting married

Q: I have a very serious issue going on in my life right now and has been going on for a while now! I dont know if its because of nazar or jadoo! I pray regularly! sometimes 4, sometimes 5! I also read the Quran frequently! I'm 30 years old and still unmarried! I did however get proposals in the past, and got engaged but sadly that didnt work out! A few of the proposals were not very suitable and some were! but the problem lies with my mother! she is extremely paranoid and is always suspecting people! Now I finally found someone who is compatible and is a Muslim who also prays but she thinks hes from a different sect which he has said that he is not! He is a Sunni Muslim and so is his family! the problem is my mother is still not convinced and thinks hes not telling the truth! she is always suspecting people and is never satisfied even though she is religious! I understand that she has gone through a lot in her life but now she is not letting me marry! one of my sisters is married alhumdullilah but she is still in denial! Her behavior is getting intolerable! Both are families met and both liked each other except my mother! I gave her a deadline that if she doesnt approve or cause any sort of problem I will have to take the matters into my hands and will therefore marry on my own! My father has agreed to support me and has also given his approval but still the matter has not progressed! everytime I get a proposal something or the other happens! I have done several wazifas and also did istekhara when i first got engaged! nothing seems to be working for me! Im in depression now and sometime I think of ending my life because I have desires too and want to live a normal life and stay away from zinah and evil! My question is If I get my nikkah done at a mosque without my mother or parents or any family member will it be permissible? Please let me know!! I need help!!

A: Obey your father.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

