Animal Human hybrid

Q: With the advancement of science and technology, scientist and researchers in China, Europe or other Western countries are creating Animal Human hybrid or trying to create a human child from animals using stem cells or sperm of human and combining them with animals cells to produce human child and became successful to some extent. In future if due to such thing a human child is born from animals and one tends to drink the milk of those animals, so are the laws of foster relationship or “Razaat” develops with those animals according to Islam. Kindly explain in detail.

A: Until this point this was just an imagination. If they succeed you should inform us.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: As scientist and researchers in China, Europe or other Western countries are creating Animal Human hybrid/Chimera by using stem cells or sperm of human and combining them with animals cells or eggs. These Human Animal hybrids/Chimera are also called as Para-humans (i.e. beyond humans or subhuman or genetically modified humans or technologically enhanced humans). These Para-Humans are becoming a reality and are not imaginations. So, if a person drinks milk from from these para-humans, are the laws of foster relationship or “Razaat” develops with those. As I know that "Razaat" is only established by humans and since these Human-Animal hybrids/Chimera are not fully humans with characteristics of both human and animals which is why it is called called Para-Humans, hence no relation of "Razaat" is established with them. I just want to confirm my view. 

A: When this type of a being comes into existence then you should ask about it. It has not yet come. They are still in the process of developing something.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)